Piranhas Lacrosse Summer 2022

This form is not collecting results at the moment. Piranhas Lacrosse Summer 2022 does not collect results after 2022-05-28.
hideYou should not enter any sensitive information on this page such as health data, passwords, credit cards or social security numbers. If you are being asked or need to provide this information for your registration please contact Piranhas Lacrosse Club directly. A secure checkout page will be used to collect your payment details on the next page.

Pricing Details

Form of Payment
None Selected -

$ 0.00 Total:

Piranhas Lacrosse Summer 2022

Here is how the Piranhas will collect payments.
Deposit- $120
Total- $350
Payments can be made here on the site(with a service fee charge) or through Venmo (@tyrese-perez), in-person check, or in-person cash.
If a deposit is not paid on time (May 22nd, 2022) Jersey will not be guaranteed to have players name/the desired number on it.

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